- On top of the hill with the Earthwalker Magnetometer Array
- Survey of Knocknashee hillfort interior using Earthsound’s Earthwalker Magnetometer Array
Our latest magnetometer array is the Earthwalker – the first in-house piece of equipment created by Earthsound Geophysics. The Earthwalker was designed, sourced and built by Earthsound’s Cian Hogan, with input and help from all staff.

Cian constructing the Earthwalker
Our regular multi-sensor magnetometer array uses a wheeled cart – however, due to increasing demand to undertake fieldwork in remote and challenging terrain, a more suitable and sturdy option was required. From uplands and rocky outcrops to dunefields and the inter-tidal zone, Earthsound’s new Earthwalker array allows us to carry out high-resolution GPS-acquired magnetometry no matter what the terrain.
The Earthwalker had its maiden survey at Knocknashee Hillfort, as part of the 2017 season of the Knocknashee Archaeology Project – and it was a great success! It took 8 people to transport our survey gear – 2 x GPS, 8 x ranging rods, food for the day (most important!), a metal detector, survey flags, 4 x magnetometers, an electronics box, and the Earthwalker array – to the top of the hill.

Heading up Knocknashee with the Earthwalker
Earthsound surveyors worked together to collect data over 9 Ha of data, developing a methodology and refining the array.The Earthwalker delivered the first large scale, high-resolution assessment of the Knocknashee hillfort interior.
…and here’s our regular (wheeled) magnetometer cart: