Earthsound attend the 11th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection

Earthsound directors Dr. James Bonsall and Heather Gimson flew over to the University of Warsaw this week to participate in the 11th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection.

James presented a paper based on his PhD research, You know it’s summer in Ireland when the rain gets warmer: Analysing repetitive time-lapse earth resistance data to determine ‘optimal’ survey climate conditions. Earthsound were the Industrial Partner in the research which was carried out by James and the University of Bradford. Earthsound provided equipment and logistical support for the investigation while Earthsound surveyor Darren Regan assisted James every month for the 14 month long time-lapse earth resistance survey carried out at Tuam, Co. Galway. The investigation examined the impact of weather on the outcomes of earth resistance surveys on behalf of the archaeology section of the National Roads Authority. The paper was live tweeted – here are some of the highlights:

James was also a co-author (with Chrys Harris et al.) on High Royds: An integrated, analytical approach for mapping the unmarked burials of a pauper cemetery, a paper that examined the differing properties of graves that were mapped (and/or unmapped) via magnetometry, multiple earth resistance arrays, electromagnetic induction and ground penetrating radar.

Both papers are now published in Archaeologia Polona Vol. 53, a special edition of the journal containing the conference proceedings.

James was tweeting (as @DrJamesBonsall) throughout the Conference, which you can follow via #ISAP2015 or read tweets from the whole event via a Storify Archive by Dr. Kayt Armstrong.